Thursday, March 26, 2009

my first email of the morning-07.45- went something like this:

what the hell did i get myself into?

so its thursday again, which means tomorrow is friday and then its weekend and then next week and i swear i just cant keep up.
i have a list for the rest of the year- things that need to be done and that i am doing and that i am looking forward to you will notice, these might sound similar, but these sub headings are vastly different.
for example, things that i am looking forward to doing:
25th birthday
saschas wedding
bachelorette (mine)
teaching ben new things
watching ben walk

then, things that NEED to be done:
look for and FIND half day/stay at home type job
PLAN entire wedding
stand in queue at home affairs for bens passport

and i will stop there. one thing i have done is find a maid, that was on the list of things that NEED to be done.
in fact- she is a maid i had about 4 years ago. i swore that one day when i had a kid, she would work for me. and here she is. baby steps though, twice a week. right now she is marching around my house telling me that i need to get proper cleaning stuff. i have suggested she come with me to the shops. HRMMMPHHHHH. is all i get. i swear she should be in the military or maybe run for president- she at least has a backbone and a matric.

anyway, things i am currently doing:
shoving handfuls of caramelised almonds into my mouth
watching ben attack the cat- he keeps rolling on her- so far its 11-1 to ben.
planning my outfit for tonight

peace out

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you have a bitching time tonight and that the subsequent headache that usually follows is non-existant!!!

PLEASE post some pics so that I can drool over the mere fact that you went on a girls night out and looked absolutely fabulous.

I think I hate you right now, no wait I know I hate you right now!